For the second edition of the AgileTour Lausanne, we will receive you once again in the very nice Hôtel Alpha-Palmiers near the train station.
As it was very much appreciated, we will keep the same format for the lunch and coffee breaks - organized all day long - which will allow you to exchange with the speakers and attendees.
If you are a confirmed agilist, experienced in other project management methods or simply an interested amateur, you are welcome. This with goal in mind to exchange and learn a maximum from each other.
Date: Friday, October 12th from 9am to 6pm
Location: Hôtel Alpha-Palmiers, Lausanne, Switzerland
Confirmed speeches:
- "Utilisation des principes de l'agilité dans des projets non-IT" by Jean-Pierre Rey (HEVS Sierre) (download slides)
- "Scrum Master, serpents et crocodiles" by Jérôme Perakis (We Can Live on Mars) (download slides)
- "Un nouveau regard sur la priorisation dans le backlog" by Michel Allard (Pyxis) (download slides)
- "Mesurer la performance d'une itération avec vos utilisateurs" by Yann Ringgenberg & Simon Farine (:ratio) (download slides)
- "Puis-je convertir à l’agilité un management waterfall ?" par Léonard Bouchet (RTS) (download slides)
Confirmed workshops:
- "Scrum en 90 minutes" by Christian Lapointe (Pyxis) (download slides)
- "INVEST is not enough: Improve your User Stories!" by François Bachmann (SPRiNT-iT)
- "Scrum Performance (E)" by Peter Stevens ( & Jonas Vonlanthen (Liip)
- "Agile Dice" by Alex Cuva (Altran)
Open Workshops
We decided to let everyone the opportunity to speak thanks to the open workshop (1h30min) slots, that will take place at the end of the day. We are then welcoming your proposals on the same day. Attendees will be able to choose their prefered subjects with a vote.
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